Accents Asia Journal of the Teachers College Columbia University Japan Alumni Association
Accents AsiaJournal of the Teachers College Columbia University Japan Alumni Association

Submissions Guide:

Accents Asia is looking for articles written by teacher researchers working in the East Asian context. The format for articles submitted is not rigid in that there is no set number of words or pages required for an article to be considered; however submissions should generally be long enough to adequately convey the intricacies of the topic being discussed- therefore as a rule, submissions should be longer than five pages and follow standard APA format for citation. Articles by non-native English speakers are particularly welcome and we at Accents are here to help you fine-tune your article should it be necessary. In other words, we wish to encourage anyone who has something meaningful to share with the community to submit to us.

Submissions should be in Word format (.doc) with writer's name and academic affiliation, including country, appearing under the title. Submissions should also include a short abstract of the article as well as a brief biography of the author.


Authors maintain all copyrights to their work, and allow for the free distribution and citation of their work, for non-commercial use (commonly referred to as Attribution-NonCommercial or CC BY-NC).


There are no fees for submission, review or publication.


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Accents Asia = ISSN 1948-3503