Accents Asia Journal of the Teachers College Columbia University Japan Alumni Association
Accents AsiaJournal of the Teachers College Columbia University Japan Alumni Association

Teacher Training Workshops

Program:  Global TC Day 2019 

Program:  Global TC Day 2018 

Program:  2018 US Embassy-sponsored English Teachers Intensive Program 


Target: JHS, HS and ES English teachers in Japan


Contact: Dr. Chris Carl Hale, Graduate School of Global Communication and Language, AIU


Cost: Free - includes three nights hotel accommodation for teachers coming from outside the workshop areas.


Facutly: Dr. Chris Carl Hale; Dr. Tomohisa Machida; Stacey Vye and other faculty to be announced



We would like to encourage you to apply for this program offered in conjunction with Akita International University (AIU) and the US Embassy, Tokyo. The program is open to junior and senior high school teachers, and elementary school teachers. The atmosphere will be interactive, informative and inspiring. Pleaase feel free to apply, or spread the word to other teachers who might be interested!


名古屋 2018年3月27日(火)~29(木) ※懇親会26日(月)

東京 2018年8月7日(火)~9日(木) ※懇親会6日(月)

札幌 2018年8月18日(土)~20日(月)※懇親会17日(金)




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国際教養大学 企画課 研究・地域連携支援チーム(担当:小野 ・長谷山)
TEL: 018-886-5905

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Accents Asia = ISSN 1948-3503